The Eternity Engine v3.33.33 Console Reference -- 04/02/06

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This reference contains information on useful console commands and variables that work with the Eternity console, as well as pointers on console command syntax.

Notes on Special Command Syntax

Commands which take parameters may accept numbers, strings, or members of a predefined set of values.

  $ delay 50
  $ spawn 249 1
  $ name Quasar
  $ hu_overlay distributed
If string arguments contain whitespace, they must be in quotations. Quotations around strings are otherwise optional.
  $ echo "This has to be in quotes"
  $ i_error "R_FindVisplane: no more visplanes!"
Multiple commands can be run from one prompt by separating them with a semicolon.
  $ delay; kill
Variables of type integer, named-value, on / off, and yes / no can be affected by the following operators: Return to Table of Contents

Notes on Notation

In the list below, command arguments enclosed in brackets are optional. Commands typically have some default behavior when the arguments they expect are not provided, although this is often to simply print usage information.

An ellipsis (...) signifies that the command will accept any number of arguments and will amalgamate them into one continuous string.

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Console Commands

Console commands carry out a particular action when sent to the console.

Core Commands

These commands are for manipulating the console itself.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* flood		* echo
	* delay		* dumplog
	* alias 	* openlog
	* cmdlist	* closelog
	* quote         * dir
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These commands display and affect various aspects of the menu system.

Synopsis of Commands:

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These commands allow manipulation of the dynamic keybinding system.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* listactions	* bindings
	* bind
	* unbindall
	* unbind
	* listkeys
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Synopsis of Commands:

	* disconnect
	* playerinfo
	* frags
	* kick
	* say
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These commands provide an alternative method of entering some cheat codes.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* god
	* noclip
	* nuke
	* infammo
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Video Options

Synopsis of Commands:

	* v_modelist
	* animshot
	* screenshot
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Player Options

Synopsis of Commands:

	* listskins
	* listwads
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These commands are related to playing / recording demos. For all of these commands, the demo specified by demoname must have been added in either a WAD or on the command-line with the -file option. Demos cannot be played directly from a file name.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* timedemo
	* playdemo
	* stopdemo
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These commands directly affect gameplay in various ways.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* pause       * quit       * defdmflags
	* i_error     * map        * summon
	* spawn       * kill       * give
	* endgame     * addfile
	* starttitle  * exitlevel
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EDF- and ExtraData-Related Commands

These commands are related to the Eternity Definition Files (EDF) system. They expose information which may be useful for editing or for use with other console commands.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* e_dumpthings      * e_listlinedefs
	* e_thingtype       * e_linedef
	* e_dumpitems
	* e_listmapthings
	* e_mapthing
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Small Scripting Engine

These commands are related to the Small scripting engine.

Synopsis of Commands:

	* a_running
	* a_execv
	* a_execi
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Console Variables

Variables differ from commands in that they are assigned values rather than performing actions directly.



	* c_speed
	* c_height
	* textmode_startup
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Networking variables


	* com
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Game type / Deathmatch options


	* skill       * gametype     * startlevel
	* nomonsters  * weapspeed    * dmflags
	* respawn     * timelimit
	* fraglimit   * fast
	* bfgtype     * turbo
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Demo options


	* cooldemo
	* demo_insurance
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Player variables


	* name		* chasecam_height
	* skin          * chasecam_dist
	* colour        * chasecam_speed
	* walkcam       * numhelpers
	* chasecam
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Input options


	* alwaysmlook	 * use_joystick
	* invertmouse	 * use_mouse
	* sens_horiz	 * joysens_x
	* sens_vert	 * joysens_y
	* smooth_turning * grabmouse
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Environment / Physics variables


	* autoaim	* varfriction
	* allowmlook	* recoil
	* bobbing	* bfglook
	* pushers
	* nukage
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AI variables


	* mon_infight	* mon_backing
	* mon_avoid	* mon_helpfriends
	* mon_climb	* mon_distfriend
	* mon_friction
	* mon_remember
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Heads-up system variables


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Automap variables


	* mapcolor_rkey	* mapcolor_ydor	* mapcolor_secr	* mapcolor_sngl
	* mapcolor_bkey	* mapcolor_frnd	* mapcolor_exit	* mapcolor_back
	* mapcolor_ykey	* mapcolor_wall	* mapcolor_unsn * mapcolor_fchg
	* mapcolor_rdor	* mapcolor_clsd	* mapcolor_sprt * map_coords
	* mapcolor_bdor	* mapcolor_tele	* mapcolor_hair
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Status Bar variables


	* ammo_red	* armor_red	* st_graypct
	* ammo_yellow	* armor_yellow
	* health_red	* armor_green
	* health_yellow	* st_rednum
	* health_green	* st_singlekey
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Menu variables


	* use_traditional_menu
	* wad_directory
	* mn_toggleisback
	* mn_searchstr
	* mn_start_mapname
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Rendering variables


	* r_showgun     * r_zoom        * r_swirl         * rocket_trails
	* r_showhom     * r_stretchsky  * gamma           * grenade_trails
	* r_blockmap    * r_precache    * draw_particles  * lefthanded
	* r_homflash    * r_trans       * bloodsplattype  * bfg_cloud
	* r_planeview   * r_tranpct     * bulletpufftype
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Particle events


	* pevt_rexpl
	* pevt_bfgexpl
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Video variables


	* v_diskicon
	* v_retrace
	* v_mode
	* v_ticker
	* shot_type
	* shot_gamma
	* screensize
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Sound options


	* detect_voices	* s_flippan
	* snd_card	* s_precache
	* mus_card	* s_pitched
	* sfx_volume	* snd_channels
	* music_volume
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Chat Macros

Chat macros are stored in variables "chatmacro0" through "chatmacro9" All are of type string and reflect the chat macros usable in multiplayer.

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Weapon Preferences

Weapon preferences are stored in variables "weappref_0" through "weappref_8".

Weapon preferences are named-value variables and use the following values:

   fist, pistol, shotgun, chaingun, "rocket launcher", "plasma gun",
   bfg, chainsaw, "double shotgun"
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DOOM Compatibility Vector

The compatibility vector can be accessed with the following variables. All variables are of the on / off type and are server-only net commands.


	* comp_telefrag	* comp_blazing	 * comp_floors	  * comp_zombie
	* comp_dropoff	* comp_doorlight * comp_skymap	  * comp_stairs
	* comp_vile	* comp_model	 * comp_pursuit	  * comp_infcheat
	* comp_pain	* comp_god	 * comp_doorstuck * comp_zerotags
	* comp_skull	* comp_falloff	 * comp_staylift  * comp_terrain

	* comp_respawnfix	
	* comp_fallingdmg
	* comp_soul
	* comp_overunder
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Misc. Configuration


	* use_startmap
	* i_gamespeed
	* i_ledsoff
	* startonnewmap
	* i_waitatexit
	* i_showendoom
	* i_endoomdelay
	* i_grabmouse
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These variables are read-only and cannot be set to a new value.


	* rngseed	* ver_time
	* creator
	* version
	* ver_date
	* ver_name
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