Title: Descent into the Depths of Chaos #1
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/1chaos.zip
Size: 66.63 KB
Date: 11/16/12
Author: The Chaos Brothers David Montgomery & Jim Milner
Description: This is an outside Pwad, and is intended as the opening level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

Having survived "Knee Deep in the Dead" You find yourself in a strange, maze-like structure that is open to the sky. You Know that you have discovered the lair of Acerjak, a former human who bartered his soul (along with the human race) to the hellspawn of Demons.
Credits: ID software, DEU 5.2 & BSP 1.0 We couldn't have done it without you.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.2, DEU5.2gcc, BSP 1.0
Bugs: none as built
Rating: (6 votes)
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I really hope you haven't completed this remake... This map is one of the worst map ever. Exit button in secret area? Everywhere the same texture... The only advantage is that disign is not 'boxy'... x

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