Title: Cyberdance
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/e2boss01.zip
Size: 12.99 KB
Date: 09/06/09
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: A boss arena for E2M8, notibly more challenging than what the Id version is like. Expect to be dodging and moving a lot in this one.
Credits: Id, Codeimp, Wintex, XWE and Jimmy
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Wintex
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)
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A decent E2M8 clone. Moderately challenging on UV, and a blast on NM. Yes, that's it - try it on Nightmare. - N_Ax
the map was overall not bad- i do admit it was fun chucking a single rocket up to a pillar with imps and knocking them all off it dead. -ultraboy94x
I admit there are flaws in this map and will probably create a map to replace this one. -Chrisx

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