Title: Fistfull of Steel
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/d-f/fos.zip
Size: 86.57 KB
Date: 12/11/98
Author: Jacob "Asyl" Pipkin
Description: Pontclan clan deathmatch map, for practices, clanmatches, & the like. members.tripod.com/Pontclan There is no exit. People will whine. What the Hell for? You got me.
Credits: Playtesters; int21, offsprung, dcfly

Lifesaver; Sir Robin (jsaksa79@hotmail.com); Without this guy to fix that whack ass texture alignment problem, which he probably figures to be pretty basic, but had me insanely vexed, this map would most certainly not be released at this time, if at all. I owe this dude. Anyone I may have missed, you know who you are, I know who you are, & you are appreciated.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: I can't give a damn.
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62 shareware; People who think they can still make money off Doom are stark raving mad... but it's a good editor nonetheless.
Bugs: None, thanks to Sir Robin. I can not thank this guy enough for solving the texture bug which occured 3 times in this map... You probably wouldn't have noticed it, but I'm a perfectionist.
Rating: (2 votes)
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3* DM map from the olden days - Would be very suitable for LMS given its large size. Visually pleasing for the most part but suffers from an unfortunate symmetrical circle hallway thing. Still, not to bad at all. Voting 5 to counte that dimwit fucktard who gave a 0 just for the author's name.x
that guys last name is pipkinx

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