Title: MEV2_i.WAD (DOOM I -- E1M2) MEV2_ii.WAD (DOOM II -- Map2)
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/mev2i.zip
Size: 134.91 KB
Date: 01/31/95
Author: Michael E. Videki
Description: This wad is designed for the BEST use with DEATHMATCH 2.0 (it's great, but not required...)

This is the 2nd DEATHMATCH WAD in the MEV series. (The DOOM II version is recommended, as it has the SSGun! ...and is a bit more refined...zzz)

This level was designed to have players follow a cyclical course, chasing after one another. Psychology plays a big part in playing this! There are several areas intentionally designed to allow easy ambushes, but also contain weaknesses so things aren't too unfair... ;)
Credits: Adam Greenwood (basic concept), Tom Buchanan, John Heiney, Aaron McGavock, Justin Stoker -- who helped me iron out the errors, as well as rack up hundreds of frags! (Hehe.)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 15+ hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 & BSP 1.2 (for DOOM I) EdMap 1.22 (to convert to DOOM II)
Bugs: None whatsoever! (Anything that happens to you is purely your own fault, or that of your opponents! Moo ha ha!)
Rating: (3 votes)
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Feels more like a hide-and-seek map rather than a dm map (mazes, dark corridors, etc). Teleportation sound is repaced with a toilet flush sound. Skip.x

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