Title: MRDM2701.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/mrdm2701.zip
Size: 33.34 KB
Date: 02/08/05
Author: Michael Rapp
Description: None, I use a mission based on the music to set the mood
Credits: id, any author of a DOOM editor
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Don't keep track
Editor(s) used: DoomCad,BSP
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (4 votes)
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It's by Michael Rapp, one of my favorite Requiem/MM2 authors. Not a very professional level: feels too cramped and the texturing isn't great either. But it creates an okay atmosphere and the action is plenty. It also has trees growing on the floors of a techbase. Well, why not?x
Its playable but nothing particularly special. I was never in any danger in running out of health or ammo. Play it if you just want a level you can just cruise through 3/5 - phil1984x
The "MRDM Series" (7 maps) by Michael S. Rapp aka Quasi, ©1997-2003. Site : http://www.quazi.com /index.htm Email : michael.rapp@aquila. com Q has also been involved in MM, the amazing sequel MM2, and Requiem. Q has had the honor of working with some of the most talented & well known wad designers from around the world producing some of the most popular Mega Wads ever created. 4 stars - Jivex

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