Title: Nathrath's Fab Four
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/nathrath.zip
Size: 169.98 KB
Date: 07/05/94
Author: Bjorn Hermans & Holger Nathrath
Description: A pack of four levels that can be played WITHOUT the use of god mode (well, except when playing "ultra violent"...). Great emphasis has been laid on design and sphere. Enjoy!
Credits: ID, and the authors of DEU, BSP12, DMGRAPH, DMMUSIC, and DMAUD.
Base: From scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DEUGCC 5.22
Bugs: One little HOM in E2M2
Rating: (1 vote)
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No votes, no comments... FIRST! :D First impression of this mapset is really good in comparison to others 94s wads. But later 94 comes out and we can find mazes, long corridors, weird texturing,secrets necesary to go on etc. In level 3 is shortcut allowing to miss a long part of level (blue key). Summing up, First two levels are good, last two levels are at most average. 3.5/5*x

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