Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2desert.zip
Size: 290.3 KB
Date: 07/11/03
Author: Simo Malinen
Description: Large complex building occupied by unfriendly monsters...
Credits: id software for creating DOOM.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH 5.24, BSP, WinTex 3.41
Bugs: None, but:

Saving the game might cause Doom to crash. (Save game buffer overrun) This is a very large level with a huge amount of things and details.

If this wad is viewed with any wad-editor you'll be alerted about missing textures and unclosed sectors. However in this wad *all* such cases are fully intended to create certain special effects (invisible stairs). You don't need to fix them!
Rating: (30 votes)
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