Title: Guerilla Warfare III: Starbase 7, Hell on Mars
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2fiffy3.zip
Size: 326.67 KB
Date: 11/10/97
Author: George Fiffy
Description: The start of your mission to save the known universe, as well as Nick's friend, is once again officially underway!

It seems the Military Base is well guarded! I hope you don't mind your mission starting a little hard, do you? If so, you're the big CHICKEN I have thought you were, and you're not worthy of living! GO GET 'EM! KICK @$$!
Build time:
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Bugs: (1) OOPS! None found! Some think mosters are in the voids of the levels, but that's not true. All works well, according to the beta testers (and moi, of course).

(2) Most textures lined up! WHAT HAPPENED? :) I guess Mark Wolfy would be so proud. It's still not perfect in spots. (Speaking of Wolfy, keep an eye out in the near future for his new episode for DooM. All I know is that when it's available, contact Software Creations BBS as as posted in level 2, School of Hard Knocks, for a copy!)
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A REoL TOUGH turd to pass!x

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