Title: John E Death 5 (DOOM2)
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2jdeath5.zip
Size: 28.9 KB
Date: 06/11/15
Author: John E Death, Mickey
Description: This one is based on a layout started by Mickey... Good for death- match. A few good surprises...
Credits: Whoever made all of these cool Doom Utilities! And of course Id Software!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU521, BSP1.1W, BSP12x, EDMAP
Bugs: Just the ones in my hair.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Bad King John
Playable, no bugs, but not very exciting. Looks old. Brightly lit, high, bland rooms too large for the monsters plus a few dark passages. Some poor texture matches (even a mix of LAVA2 and RROCK5) in the same lava pool!). Took me 25 minutes single player at UV. Probably better for DM.x
This is an old map and it shows. It's not the worst one out there, but it still lacks a lot in regards to room structure and visuals. There's some useless backtracking too. I'd skip it.x
Meh at best.x

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