Title: El Último Pasajero (The Last Passenger)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/eup.zip
Size: 132.5 KB
Date: 10/16/14
Author: RicarDooM
Description: Map built for the "5th Cabro's Map Tournament" at Kuso- Güeb.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: From February, 13th 2005 to 17th, May 2005 (about three months, but I worked a day and rested a week, so it really was much less).
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, WinTex (to add the sky and the music).
Bugs: None, I believe. Notify me if you find one.
Rating: (5 votes)
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This was pretty damn good. Basic layout, well balanced and good ambiance. Reminds me a lot of Aliens.x
Space-ship walkthrough type level. Technically well done, layout is simple and mostly rectangular but more or less suits to the level type, spare texture use works quite well, decoration is good, ambiance is fine. Gameplay @ UV is, except for the final battle, way too easy - even the spidermaster can be killed easily. Overall: halfway between 3 and 4*, + .5 for the shown care for implementation details = small 4/5. x
Decent enough.x

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