Title: Hell's End V2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hendv2.zip
Size: 10.06 KB
Date: 12/19/13
Author: Fellowzdoomer
Description: Hell has decided that youve just bit the last straw again. another arena
Credits: Authors of Speed of Doom for inspiration
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a day
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.3
Bugs: type tntem to crash it :-)
Rating: (6 votes)
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What absolute shit. I would rather watch the Grey`s Anatomy box set. Android or not don't upload it if it isn't any decent, pal.x
Rather simple and frustratingly hard arena, Either cheat and keep killing or just rage quit lawl.x
yes it isx
Pointless crap!x

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