Title: Hell on Cheese
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hocheese.zip
Size: 185.39 KB
Date: 01/26/05
Author: hobomaster22
Description: A remake of one of the first maps I made, and the name was called 'helloncheese' when I came across not that long ago on an old cd. Don't really ask why I called it that, I was probobly on something :P. So this is remake (map01) and the orginal (map02). Its hardcore in UV so dont cry. The zip is called hocheese because it cant be HOC :).
Credits: id software, udderdude
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a few days
Editor(s) used: Deepsea v11.83
Bugs: who knows
Rating: (12 votes)
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I can really see the improvement from the second to the first. The orginal level sucks and the new improved map is awsome. 4/25/07x
Hardcore it is not. But it is fun, even very much so. Perfect balance of detail and gameplay. 4/5 - Belialx

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