Title: Reversi
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/reversi.zip
Size: 121.59 KB
Date: 06/21/05
Author: Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)
Description: A silly map inspired by Tricks and Traps. Worked on this on and off for months. If you hate it, too bad ;P

You will need to turn 'Actors Infinitely Tall' off to play this map correctly.

*** PLAY IT ON SKILL 3 DUMBASS *** If you play this on Skill 4, die miserably, and then complain about it, I will personally hunt you down and cut your goddamn balls off. *** PLAY IT ON SKILL 3 DUMBASS ***
Credits: id Software
Base: From Itchy & Scratchy
Build time: Classified
Editor(s) used: ZETH, NWT, Wintex, XWE, ZDBSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (12 votes)
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You can play this on UV without to much trouble. A monster will be around every corner but nothing wrong with a challenge. It's not that bad of a map really. I like bacos. 8/20/07x
some good traps 3/5x
L'un des tableau les plus dur que j'ai eu à jouer depuis un bout de temps. Vraiment bien fait et assez surprenant. fonctionne avec DoomGL sauf pour les ponts il faut cheater IDCLIP. À cause de cela 4/5 - Eye'sx
Yeah, teh pit IS mean, indeed, rest of it is nice. And it works on UV, too. 100% 100% 100% 25:31. Got out with 22% health and 6% green armor. Not the best wad I've seen but nice to play and far better than Schlagwerk which was my first encounter with that udderdude iirc. x
Excellent map. Gameplay rocks. The arch-vile column trap is the best idea I've seen in a long time but that lava pit at the end is simply mean. 18 minutes playtime on first try. 4/5 - Belialx
I agree with the bacon. 5/5x
Some imps got stucked, it was fun and I like bacon.x

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