Title: Shrek vs Doomguy: The Phantom Pain
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/shrek3.zip
Size: 29.32 MB
Date: 09/18/13
Author: chesse20
Description: make sure to check out the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dclSK2iOwQ(thx xpanisonpack) Shrek Vs Doomguy The Phantom Pain is the final chapter of the shrek vs doom guy saga. You must stop shrek once and for all from taking over the world and this time around hes got two pals crow mcbling who has escaped angry birds and is looking for revenge for being put in a shitty iphone game and fastlane250 who wants to create a world where forums have no rules. This game features some wacky tunes by lapfox (they have a policy that says i can use their music as long as i give credit) including renard- now thats what what i call my ass! (shreks geocites homepage remix) truxton- yeah yeah baby yeah up in here yeah baby getcha getcha the quick brown fox- electrohell -hints- on level 2 just run for the exit dont bother to try to kill everything
Credits: dreamworks, captian toenail, tormenter667 , magicwizard, naruto[nu]
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 and half weeks
Editor(s) used: slade, doombuilder
Rating: (16 votes)
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