Title: Berwyn
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/berwyn.zip
Size: 69.64 KB
Date: 11/20/97
Author: Bert Garwood
Description: One level wad for Doom II, Revision of Berwyn1, adding rooms, traps, critters. Added multi-players, deathmatch, and skill levels.
Credits: iD for DOOM2.
Base: Berwyn1 was a new level from scratch. This is a revision
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadED
Bugs: SMALL texture misalignments here and there, but not really noticable unless you look for them .
Rating: (4 votes)
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Not a bad map at all. You can view it either as a little empty, or suspenseful.x
okay level.... but can be a little bit confusing... i think there should be more monsters.....or maybe its just me... XDx

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