Title: EGA.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/ega.zip
Size: 41.63 KB
Date: 04/07/97
Author: Eugen Muzic
Description: Designed for a single player, multiplayer and deathmatch.
Credits: id Software the creators of Doom.
Base: New level
Build time: 8 days, my first level
Editor(s) used: DCK (BSP 1.2)
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is dated September 1995. At first I thought it was one of those colormap replacements, but no. There are 407 mostly tough monsters packed into a small deathmatch-style arena, and although it's fun to run around and let them infight, ultimately it's not playable and I got bored searching for the red key. It feels like a deconstructed child's drawing version of a Hell Revealed map, i.e. the elements are there but it's all wrong.x

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