Title: Escape From Damnation I: The Prison
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/escaped1.zip
Size: 70.09 KB
Date: 03/31/96
Author: Brian English (aka "Captain Camshaft")
Description: First in the Escape From Damnation series (see below)
Credits: The crew at id? Most certainly! Anthony Burden for DETH, and for putting up with all my bug reports... Dr. Sleep for a fine Apothecary Marc Rousseau for his help with ZenNode Jeff "Perceptor" Naab for making sure my rockets don't hit walls during playtest... :)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH v3.83-v3.89 (!), ZenNode v0.98b
Bugs: That darn window in the "monster-maker" room- the MIDSPACE looks like it's going through the ceiling...
Rating: (2 votes)
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It's acceptable until you get to a maze where it's too dark to see the spectres and too cramped to avoid revenant fireballs.x

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