Title: SSDM3.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/ssdm3.zip
Size: 91.51 KB
Date: 06/16/95
Author: Steve Sarlls
Description: I decided to make a ledges type of level but start from scratch. It got kinda big :-) Prob'ly better 4 player.
Credits: Nat snell for playtesting. and the authors of D.E.T.H. and W.A.R.M. and of course ID. Duh.
Base: New level from scratch based on ledges, sorta.
Build time: Unknown. Too long though :-)
Editor(s) used: Deth & Warm. Hmmmm Warm Deth? :-)
Bugs: None. Absolutely None. (Knock on wood)
Rating: (1 vote)
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the architecture aint all that bad, but there are way too many winding hallways!x

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