Title: Stargate Deathmatch.
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/stargate.zip
Size: 141.83 KB
Date: 12/19/94
Author: Nick Ramirez
Description: This DOOM II deathmatch wad with a Stargate theme. It should be used with deathmatch 2.0 Includes a new sky texture (Non-repeating) New Doors, and a Really cool animated Gate. All weapons, one time chance at the BFG. This is not a huge level the large file size comes from the new gfx's and music. All testing has gone great this level is a blast.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Mucho.
Editor(s) used: Deutex2.7 Dview250 BSP12x Midi2mus Improcess, Paintbrush, Graphic Workshop. POV raytracer (What Zep Used to Make Water.)
Bugs: Zero.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Surprisingly good for 1994, though it's full of empty space and the inside of the building is ugly. It's probably not fun for DM nowadays, but it's worth a minute of your time to look at. 3.5/5x
I like very much the gfx of the stargate. 3/5 - Optimusx

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