Title: Subway Panic
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/subway.zip
Size: 90.27 KB
Date: 09/08/95
Author: Dope & BSI
Description: Frag the hell out of your friends (?) in some gloomy subway-tunnels and check out the local junkfood parlor
Credits: ID for creating Doom II
Brendon Wyber and Raphaël Quinet for creating DEU
Adler for DEU for Doom II
The creators of DEUTEX
LucasArts for Darkforces
MTV for Butthead
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.21, DEU-2, DEUTEX 3.4
Bugs: None we know of (but that doesn't mean anything :) -> cuz we are - errrr - like dumb
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