Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/swhaven.zip
Size: 53.15 KB
Date: 10/21/95
Author: Chris Shelton
Description: Tricks and Traps with a vengeance! Trap your friends in the pen, or flip a switch to ruin their day. This level has several switches designed to cause trouble for other players. All traps are resetable and escapable so don't give up. Be the first one to get to the ultimate switch and you're set, won't be an easy trip though.
Credits: All the IRC guys in #doom and CyberHelix@Octagon.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.40
Bugs: Don't even think of runnin this through your wad checker.. talk about rigged! It works though I swear.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Man, I wish there were some Doomers out there these days (2014) who still liked slightly slower paced deathmatch, with some hidey-holes and "guaranteed face-to-face" hallways. This would be great fun if I could actually find an opponent who would enjoy it as much as me. 3.5x

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