Title: The last resort [for DooM II v. 1.9] The Ultimate Deathmatch Experience
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/tlr-ii19.zip
Size: 975.43 KB
Date: 06/01/05
Author: Michael Houston, Greg Houston, Andrew Warrington & David Sears (updated to v. 1.9 by FunDuke)
Description: The Last Resort (TLR) is a Deathmatch only episode. It contains the following: - Nine new levels from scratch. - Over 700k of new graphics. - More than 200k of new sprites. - Some new sounds for the ending. - A new soundtrack consisting of 4 new songs. - A total of 12 LMP Deathmatch demos [Note by the uploader: 'The last resort' was originally released for DooM II v. 1.7a. This is an updated version, playable with v. 1.9, and because of that, with modern source ports. The original 1.7a -version can be downloaded here: [insert /idgames -mirror from end of this textfile]levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/tlr-ii.zip ] Read the background story at the end of this template.
Credits: see below
Base: 1.7a-version, modified to be playable with v. 1.9
Build time:
Editor(s) used: The demo-lmps have been converted to v. 1.9 with LmpUtil 2.10. The other data has been converted by using DeuTex 4.4.0.
Bugs: none
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