Title: THE SQUARE 1.2, 1st Level in The UNHOLY DM Series
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/unholyd1.zip
Size: 28.03 KB
Date: 09/30/95
Author: John Walker IV for DOOM II
Description: Does it really need one? Come on, this is a DeathMatch level, we don't need no stinkin' storyline...
Credits: My wife for her patience. All the authors for all the editors and other utilities I used for creation. Everyone at Id Software for allowing people like me to create my own world! Not to mention a great game! Hip Hip ... Special thanks to American McGee for IDMAP01.WAD It was this wad that gave me the idea for the setting of this level, and the motif. Paul Sterud for finally playing against me again. Scott Smith for putting my level on his page, makes me feel good to know someone noticed :)
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: A full day, on and off.
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.83 by Matthew Ayres;
Bugs: None, that I know of, maybe some mis-aligned textures, but you may not even notice. Please E-Mail me if you find any.
Rating: (1 vote)
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This is a damn fine map!x

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