Title: Halls of Doom Levels
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/halsodm.zip
Size: 347.99 KB
Date: 11/02/97
Author: Jim Krueger
Description: A seven level mini-episode for Doom2. Although the layout was designed with solo play in mind, co-op and deathmatch play are fully supported, including availability of weapons and goodies, placement of start positions, and number of monsters for multi player games. For details of each level, see the chart at the end of this file. If you don't want a level preview, skip it.
Credits: Id Software, of course.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doomcad51, Edmap, Deep8.5, Warm1.6 for node and reject builders
Bugs: none, if you find any or see any misaligned textures,let me know.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Pretty good.x
Oh hey. I found it again. I remember playing this wad long ago but I could never remember what it was called, and no wonder! With a title like "Halls of Doom Levels" and no ratings at all it shouldn't be any surprise. Even though I am filled with nostalgia, the mapset clearly hasn't aged too well, and I have played far better ones from its time. This wad is the epitome of "heh". 3/5 -Lupinx-Kassman x

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