Title: Hell's Mine of Saturn
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hmine.zip
Size: 127.56 KB
Date: 07/26/08
Author: Joe Kaminski
Description: Saturn- 2110 AD

The UAC mining colony on the dark side of Saturn has sent a distress signal to UAC Headquarters. The mining operation has come to a complete standstill and the top brass wants some answers. Your commanding officer briefs you on the details of your mission.

You must enter the mine via an old service tunnel leading from the mouth of a crater and penetrate the main shaft of the system. You are to recon the tunnels and find out what has happened to the colonists and the marines stationed for duty there. The equipment storage area holds the key to enter the Upper Complex of the mine. Once inside, you are on your own. You must find the controlling switch that activates the main reactor...somewhere near a main control room. Upon completion, you are to head to the surface via cover of the service lift near the reactor and wait for transport off the planet topside.

He warns you that the mine is very unstable and that the deadly rays of the Sun have penetrated the works in some sections. You should steer clear of these spots or face certain death. A contingent of recon soldiers were sent 2 days ago and no one has heard from them since. Your platoon wish you luck as you make your descent to Saturn's charred surface, not knowing of the horrors that await you in Hell's mine.......

NOTE- This is a small but very intense mission.....The ending can be very easy if you can figure it out!
Credits: none
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, BSP 1.2, WARM 1.6
Bugs: DOOM 2 will crash if you attempt to add more things in the level than there already is. Try this and save the game and be prepared for a lock-up or memory allocation error. I have tested the PWAD and it runs fine as it is.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Seriously, how can anyone give a map like this a rating of 0? That should be more a bad "my first map" that crashes the engine or has no exit, etc. Some of the attitudes of people in the "kommunitah" just suck. Many thanks to RL for making these great old maps available.x
I didn't really like the layout and it felt too cramped in. It seemed like everything was thrown into you all at once. Gave up after a few minutes of playing, didn't fit my tastes well. 0/5.-Candle Mx
Hmmm...this looks like 1996...feels like 1996...oh wait, it IS from 1996. I knew that DoomCAD rang a bell...anyway, so-so 1996ish level. 2/5 -Maesx
^ Maybe there floating mines like the ones used during WWII smart-arse! :) Anyway... The map is not good. You have to fight chain-gunners and imps in health nibbling lava in the pitch black darkness (maybe this is due to my set-up, I dunno) but I found it annoying and tedious. x
How could there be mines on Saturn?, there's no solid surface.x

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