Title: Inadequate
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/inad.zip
Size: 50.85 KB
Date: 08/16/14
Author: Carl Buddig
Description: behold the wild misadventures of a first time mapper! watch as the struggle to understand basic design becomes real! witness the learning process from map1 to map2! be embarrassed by everything!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 hours
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder
Rating: (10 votes)
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Both maps feels like a 94's release rather 2014...first one is very basic just 3,4 rooms of same texture connected...second one is bit decent although not good but okay for first attempt...x
The gameplay is average, but the levels don't have the best aesthetics. There was too much darkness in the second map, and no light-amplifying visor. At least the Wad isn't absolute trash.x
First map is meh but plays fine. Second map has big problem in vanilla: can't leave the start room. I heard switch activate but it doesn't do anything?...x
Two small beginners map. As new mappers are always ok: welcome here mr. Beef ;-). As the maps have almost all beginners flaws, you might be interested in reading doomwiki.org/wiki/Ti ps_for_creating_good _WADs. Overall: 1 for what it is + 1 for the first efford = 2/5.x
pretty bland in terms of design, but it's not painful to play. 2/5x

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