Title: DOOM2 Leprechaun patch v1.2
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/leprechn.zip
Size: 383.57 KB
Date: 11/15/97
Author: DeF-46 and TetrisMan
Description: replace the plain ole boring marines with teeny - weeny - Leprechauns! It's the BEST graphics + sound patch ever made for doom! Don't miss this opportunity to have a real laugh. Visit the official Leprechaun doom web site at: HTTP://student.ulb.ac.be/~bpereira/leprech
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Rating: (4 votes)
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Not sure if this is a jokewad or just child work. Actually I don't mind, because in either case it's 1/5 for the efford.x
Lol the leprechauns are hilarious, but the level sucks ass... I think I'm going to use the contents of the DEH file and sounds from the wad for a St. Patrick's wad or something x
It's the BEST graphics + sound patch ever made for doom my ARSE! 0/5 for being conceited.x

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