Title: The_Nazi_Hideout
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nazi.zip
Size: 23 KB
Date: 04/03/14
Author: Greg Lafitte
Description: The Nazis have returned and they are not alone! The demons from hell are by there side and its up to you to destroy the source of it all.
Credits: Id Games
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)
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yea the nazis have returned, all 15 or so of them, brilliant. well i suppose its not the worst thing out therex
walter confalonieri
kind of ok map... but some texturing are pretty bad...x
The author(as terrywad makers also use fake real names) and the description gives a terrywad-ish feeling, but fortunately, it's just a normal wad.x
A very simple and linear map that might be boring for some. I however found this not that bad and it is a pretty good map to play if you want to play Doom and not have a big challenge.x

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