Title: The Library
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nnlbrary.zip
Size: 30.39 KB
Date: 01/13/03
Author: The Net Nomad
Description: Storm a library which has been overrun with demons. (Sorry, couldn't think of anything better...)
Credits: John Williston for WadAuthor, the first (and practically only) level editor I understand; the creators of Wintex; and of course ID for this excellent game.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A few days, a couple hours a day...
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor v1.3. Wintex
Bugs: Uh, I think there are a couple million species... oh, you mean the game? None...
Rating: (5 votes)
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Short mono-textured level. Cramped layout has a large copy-and-paste factor, making its ambiance boring. Too much darkness in the maze does not add to the gameplay, which has no surprises. Overall: meh.x
It`s well done with a progression of bigger monsters and bigger weapons to fight them.x
"Sorry, couldn't think of anything better" - that sums it up pretty well.x
good gameplay, but the architecture is a bit lacking. also, there is a bit too much ammo to keep you on your toes.x
Good level. Interesting.x

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