Title: Progress
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/progress.zip
Size: 31.51 KB
Date: 08/18/14
Author: Henrik Heino
Description: Somewhat challenging dark indoor map.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Yadex
Rating: (7 votes)
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Very good execution of bad design choices. Map is sound visually and provides some challenge, but gameplay sucks due to annoying layout, backtracking, and twich-traps.x
nice tryx
Small but overall remarkably well designed underground-type map with some good ideas. Layout is sometimes a bit cramped but otherwise good, texture use is sparse but very consistent, techno-style ambiance is fine. Offers short but quite good gameplay @ UV. Overall in its class: 4/5.x
Simple texturing and kind of cubic. It's challenging when you don't know waht's comming next considering it's mostly hitscanners and you have no healing items for the first part, it's easy when you get the way the map is and the chaingun will get rid of them for you, the last part of the map with th archviles is maybe a bit annoying as the HK and Baron are useless tanks : / Fun map though, the secrets are easy to find.x

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