Title: Quad Wad
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/quad2.zip
Size: 375.05 KB
Date: 07/12/95
Author: Bill F.
Description: 4 levels, the last of which is an enormous pit with many monsters
Credits: A friend who put it up on the Net for me
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 30-40 hours over 2 months!!!
Editor(s) used: waded and NWT
Bugs: one of the columns in level 4 appears transparent whan viewed from a certain angle
Rating: (3 votes)
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I liked itx
Four levels dated July 1995. No real theme; sort of dungeon techbase. The gameplay isn't bad although there's no visual style at all, and the levels are very spartan and empty. By the standards of 1995 Map01 is okay. Map02 is awful, with a spiral maze you have to go through twice. Map03 starts off poor, gets better, then finishes. Map04 is a decent concept level (109 monsters in a single large tiered pit) but could have done with twice as many monsters.x
prity fun all thow it woodint of hurt to add some deatail x

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