Title: Ship
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/ship.zip
Size: 54.93 KB
Date: 02/22/96
Author: Byron Collins
Description: This level is fairly large and challenging but playable. I worked on it in my spare time for a couple of months, play-testing and modifying. It makes a great deathmatch level or regular game with secrets and items scattered throughout. I hope that you have as much fun playing it as I have. Please send me Email and tell me what you think.
Credits: Nelson Simpkins for killing me in every deathmatch.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded v1.83 unregistered
Bugs: None

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Rating: (2 votes)
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This is from February 1996. It's a decent techbase-style level, with a big flaw - you get far too much ammo and health. Tonnes of rockets and enough BFG ammot to take down an army of cyberdemons, but all you fight are imps and shotgun men and a few toughies near the end. Apart from that the level is okay, nothing special, no obvious mistakes, some nice secrets. If you just use the shotgun it's a lot more entertaining.x

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