Title: The Levels of Sin - Number One
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sinlev1.zip
Size: 198.6 KB
Date: 07/04/96
Author: Martin Hawkins
Description: A very good Single and Co-op play wad for DOOM II. Look out for "safe sectors". There are two small squares in the level that are noticeably darker than the surrounding sectors. If you get yourself into one of these and stay there, monsters can't see you, so won't attack. There are also a few secrets which help you along the way. The idea is to get 100% kills and to do this you'll need to find one of the secrets. They are marked by pieces of scenery which are subtley out of place. I've also incuded a demo of me completing the level in UV. I didn't use the secrets so only got 97% kills. I want you to find the secrets yourself. I did pretty crap at one point but it shows you what you wanna know.
Credits: Bob Evans for his continued help throughout the creation of this wad. Mike Fisher for comments and use of his web site tVere for comments Bob Reganess for the music used in this wad. There are 3 tunes all masterfully created by Bob. LONER [UK] for playtesting iD software for DOOM II
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Like you care
Editor(s) used: DeeP 8.45, WinTex 4.3, RMB 2.3 and WARM 1.6
Bugs: If you check this level with an editor, you will find textures missing on 8 linedefs, this is just to achieve a special effect so please don't mess with them. You may also find sectors not closed, there is nothing wrong with the level, it's just the way I've drawn a couple of the sectors. There are no bugs while playing the level.
Rating: (6 votes)
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Very simple wolf3d-like gameplay and layout. Good music.x
It was ok.-2*x

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