Title: Series
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sriesdmo.zip
Size: 95.8 KB
Date: 07/26/95
Author: Jon Skeels
Description: 3 levels of DooM II mania. I made the plot which you can read below. I wanted to include different music, but due to lack of utilites, I could not create any. You should find these levels fun, and I made it so that each level continues off of the last one. Please let me know what u think. Contact me at my e-mail address. :
Credits: The great folks at id and creator of Deu. Also to bill@solaria.com!!! thanks to makers of midi2mus also. :
Base: Scratch
Build time: Years
Editor(s) used: Deu (for doom2), Deu2 (older version), Edmap, and Deu (for doom1), Mustool, Midi2mus Great thanks to bill@solaria.com!!
Bugs: None so far
Rating: (2 votes)
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Three levels dated July 1993, which can't be right. I assume he never finished his megawad. Map01 is an atmospheric introduction where you descend into hell, with only a handful of monsters. Still, I resent hunting for secrets only to be given loads of health etc at the start of the next level. Map02 has way too many flashing lights and a maze that doesn't show up on the automap; Map03 is better, but still very simple and annoying and cramped (and flashing).x
the first level had a nice atmisfeer but it all kinda went down hill from thair.. way to mutch helth and ammo and the monster placemint wasint grait eather.. 2/5x

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