Title: Cyberdemons Unleashed! (UNLEASH.WAD)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/unleash.zip
Size: 54.58 KB
Date: 03/25/95
Author: Andrew Harvey
Description: A level designed preferably for Cooperative and Deathmatch games although solo play is catered for. This PWAD has been created with atmosphere and tension in mind. Thus, it is very, very gloomy and at times, freaky! Note: This level is what you could call hard so this is great for anyone who wants a challenge.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Time span of about a week
Editor(s) used: DEU
Bugs: So far I haven't come across any.
Rating: (2 votes)
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I've played all levels by Andrew Harvey on the archives and they're all good. This one is mainly about a creepy cyberdemon maze like in "Cyberpunk" from Hell Revealed. It's really tense and the maze is excellently designed.x
not bad at all for its age. It's rather nice looking and funny to play 4/5 - PerOxydx

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