Title: The Watering-Place
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/water.zip
Size: 304.29 KB
Date: 04/15/95
Author: Dominique Lavergne
Description: As soon as coming back from The Tunnels after having killed all Hell Order agents, Gal Mac Porter congraculates you for your success. Indeed, you can see that Hell Order forces have lost a lot of their strengh and power. You didn't work for nothing. Meanwhile, you need to acomplish the last mission to definitely heradicate these Hell forces. So, for the last time, you go back to Middle Ages to do your work. Gal Mac Porter warns you about the surely hardness of this mission, because it seems to be Hell Order's last chance to invade Earth. Try to do you job as well as you did in previous missions and may luck be with you !
Credits: Id Software for creating such great games All of you who create such great tools
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 2 weeks.
Editor(s) used: WADED, DEUTEX, MIDI2MUS
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (1 vote)
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