Title: W.W.E.M (Worst Wad Ever Made)
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/wwem.zip
Size: 1.7 KB
Date: 06/16/11
Author: DXBigBoss
Description: This WAD was created to prove that, the infamous wow.wad by Paul Thrussel is NOT the worst WAD ever made. I mean, at least Paul tried when he was creating the level, the story was creative, the idea was creative. It just wasn't executed well. This however, is worse. To make a record breaker simple put.
Credits: id Software, CodeImp, DXBigBoss
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Less than a minute
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: Bugs? They were intentional!
Rating: (40 votes)
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