Title: The last resort [for DooM v. 1.9] The Ultimate Deathmatch Experience
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/tlr19.zip
Size: 1013.03 KB
Date: 06/01/05
Author: Michael Houston, Greg Houston, Andrew Warrington & David Sears (updated to v. 1.9 by FunDuke)
Description: The Last Resort (TLR) is a Deathmatch only episode. It contains the following: - Nine new levels from scratch, which replace Episode 2. - Over 700k of new graphics. - More than 200k of new sprites. - Some new sounds for the ending. - A new soundtrack consisting of 4 new songs. - A total of 12 LMP Deathmatch demos [Note by the uploader: 'The last resort' was originally released for DooM v. 1.666. This is an updated version, playable with v. 1.9, and because of that, with modern source ports. The original 1.666 -version can be downloaded here: [insert /idgames -mirror from end of this textfile]levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/tlr.zip ] Read the background story at the end of this template.
Credits: see below
Base: 1.666-version, modified to be playable with v. 1.9.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: The demo-lmps have been converted to v. 1.9 with LmpUtil 2.10. The other data has been converted by using DeuTex 4.4.0.
Bugs: none
Rating: (3 votes)
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