Title: David's Deathmatch #3: Rerun (dgdm3.wad)
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dgdm3.zip
Size: 40.63 KB
Date: 11/02/98
Author: David Gevert aka Dagger
Description: This is an E1 style DM level, designed for two players, but should still be fun with 3-4 players as well, although possibly a bit crowded. The level makes for some short hunting of your enemy in 2 player deathmatch, although it's still a pretty fast-paced fragfest.

Don't complain about how the level looks 'simple' and not very detailed, this is on purpose, I wanted to imitate the E1 style of DOOM, and those levels were simplistic, although they still looked good. I'm happy with it, anyway. I felt that E1 had sort of a simplistic elegance to it, and I tried to imitate this. If you want details, go play Gothic DM 2 or wait for SlaughterDM to be finished. :-)

Anyone know of any other good E1 style deathmatch levels? I find that they're pretty rare...
Credits: ID Software for DOOM/2 Jeff Ravenhorst for the excellent, if buggy, Edmap Andy Baker of DOSDoom, Nemesis, Dgtlbass, Matt Dixon, and Dan Twomey for playtesting.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About a week
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.4, Wintex 4.2
Bugs: None - including texture alignment
Rating: (4 votes)
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Very good, very tight duel map. Techbase / E1 themed.x
just downloaded this, wonderful, wonderful, wonderfulx

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