Title: Advanced Allies
Filename: combos/advally.zip
Size: 5.11 KB
Date: 02/25/14
Author: 08scatman
Description: I've seen a lot of allies doom wads out there but this one is unique, the allies are almost like bots: They can pickup objects, they can use differents weapons and much more. These bots are "Vanilla Doom" style so don't expect them to jump, duck or swiming.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 months
Editor(s) used: XWE
Bugs: Bots have a choppy frame movements but they all still functionnal

Monsters aren't alerted by neither your gun shots, neither the bot's gun shot
Rating: (5 votes)
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Yes now i can put a lot of these things in teh map! -TANKboy ps 9+9 oh boy!x
Well, this is nice... But the bots need a better AI, so they won't just run around insanelyx
I am impressed! The allies were actually being able to pick up items wich means that they can heal themselves and they are switching weapons instead of just one. Keep up the good work! :)x
3 marine sprites with different colors which can basically shoot and nothing else.x

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