Title: Big Fucking Speech 9000
Filename: combos/bfs9000.zip
Size: 670.73 KB
Date: 05/11/17
Author: 1337 Doomer
Description: Is violence against Nazis justified, or is the solution to hate speech more free speech? Now's your chance to find out.
Credits: Charlie Chaplin
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Few days
Editor(s) used: Dehacked
Bugs: * The BFS9000 makes the weapon cock sound when you pick it up. * Even if you're killed, the speech continues (the player is just really really dedicated to trying to convince Nazis). * It's possible for certain sounds to interrupt the speech, and then you get stuck waiting for it to "finish". This is particularly the case in ZDoom-based ports. * The Icon of Sin on MAP30 no longer makes a pain sound. * On some source ports it may not be possible to warp to MAP02-09.
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