Title: Bushface
Filename: combos/bushface.zip
Size: 164.34 KB
Date: 08/05/15
Author: Zalewa
Description: Bushface (or "Face of Bush", as I originally called it) is a silly HUD face replacement. I originally released it in 2004 to Doom Connector community, and now it's 2015 and I decided to upload it to the idgames/ archives so it can be preserved for all of eternity. This upload is in its unchanged form, as I've also found a modified version of Bushface on the Internet. I even preserved the old text file that can be found in this .zip archive.

Bushface has brought much joy for me and my friend in cooperative games. I found it by accident on my Linux box and I'm glad it didn't get lost forever in some horrendous hard drive crash or something...
Credits: President George W. Bush
Base: None
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: GIMP, Microsoft Paint, WinTEX
Rating: (12 votes)
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Just a poorly drawn face of Bush + some plain stupid sound replacements. Honestly, I don't think many players are desperately waiting for stuff like this...x
I Rate it a 911/10 - "ign"x
To the dude below.. Why does wanting to preserve a silly little wad make someone an asshole? Many people have done this.. Anyway, the face in the old Goldeneye Doom looks like a better GWB face for Doom if you make the hair gray. This reminds me of something from the mid 90s.x
No thanks 0/5x
A very poor idea very poorly executed. "preserved for all of eternity" - What an arsehole! 0/5x

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