Title: Folnoba Beast
Filename: combos/folnob.zip
Size: 81.27 KB
Date: 06/05/12
Author: HairyJerry
Description: With the onset of summer, I present a non-hyped monster like you've never seen before. Imagine a creation that is not just symbolic of creation, but literally creates. A monster that can move faster than time can proceed to cause eternal suffering to not just guys who bother it, but guys who don't bother it. What can be said about girls who bother it or don't bother it may never be known, unless you set your player's sex to female and choose a female skin in Skulltag. Be warned: the Folnoba Beast's miniature size is made for by its tremendous speeds and it's atack of the centurey! Get out all your arsenal, soldier, because it won't be enough to stop this true agent of damnation!
Credits: ; My mom, my dad, my grandma and grandpa (whose basement I currently dwell in) Toilet vists :D
Base: Loosely based on the amp
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinTex, XWE, WadAuthor
Bugs: None!
Rating: (14 votes)
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