Title: Chaos, Uprising
Filename: combos/rslchaos.zip
Size: 49.17 MB
Date: 01/24/14
Author: Richard Smith Long
Description: Your man is a mysterious and solitary individual known as "The Newcomer", who fled to Parthoris - after many years of perilous journeys - with the intention of finally finding a peaceful setting to rest. Unfortunately, after only a few years of apparent calm, the state of things suddenly degrades - a sinister plague starts decimating the population of Parthoris, and everything seems to turn hopeless and doomed - save for a relatively small congregation of sombre, dark-dressed, cloaked individuals that reunite under a secret congregation labeled as 'The Serpent Cult'. In a distant epoch, this land had already been saved once by a legendary elven hero... Yet it seems that the dark forces that were then cast away have now managed to return, and gathered enough followers to claim their revenge...
Credits: Various sources for resources and/or inspiration (see below):
Base: New from scratch (yes, I started from a lot of resources available in the community, see credits list)
Build time: Roughly one-and-a-half year (of discontinuous work)
Editor(s) used: Adobe Photoshop Elements, GoldWave Audio Editor, Notepad++, Slade
Bugs: 1. Widescreen modes are unsupported. Sorry. 2. Watch out for combined usage of Shadowsphere, Spellcasting Arts - more in general, when two or more threads happen to try setting the translucency of HUD graphics differently at the same time, the game might crash.
Rating: (7 votes)
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^Exactly the opposite! The amount and quality of work put into this would have been typical of a commercial product in the old days. It's surely got its share of playability quirks, but I would dare to say this is the best gameplay mod to have graced Heretic since its release. -FDx
Wow, i found a gun in Heretic, BUT NOT SUPPORT ANY HEXEN AND HERETIC MOD, cuz the weapon is not belongs to doom II, lee-enfield is not type of any script in each other while you playing this mod in Heretic, you need to draw a sequence before use the Items fckers okay?x
Nice modx

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