Title: RSL and Zero Tolerance
Filename: combos/rslzerox.zip
Size: 49.38 MB
Date: 09/24/11
Author: Richard Smith Long
Description: many of those who are reading this now will argue that a modification like """"""""""" 'Zero Tolerance' needs no extras whatsoever - it's just perfect. True, but have you tried facing HR-style hordes of demons with this set? I did, and you can call me wimp or DOOM-llama, but that's when I realized this jewel lacked a truly powerful, effective, ultimate weapon. And so I decided to stay true to the original author indications, by adding to Infinity what Zero Prophet always wanted to: ... a black-hole-style suction effect! ... I also took the liberty of integrating a new, more bulky blood system together with a few touchups on a couple monster projectiles. And of course, a few more surprises concealed in the quest... This is my humble homage to this monster of an arsenal - may you enjoy it!
Credits: Zero Prophet, author of the (unsurpassable!) original version of 'Zero Tolerance'!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks total
Editor(s) used: GoldWave Audio Editor, Notepad, XWE
Bugs: Widescreen modes are not supported. Sorry.
Rating: (11 votes)
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While the "black hole" vortex effect is rather primitive and logarithmic in its function of pulling enemies towards it (instead of thrusting them away), it does say well for the hopes of a way to implement actual exponential thrust in a negative direction in the future. Good job on a technical feat that should have been easier to implement but nobody actually tried yet. You are a second Linguica with this patch. 4/5x
Nice. Didnt know it was possible. Little yet significantx
It seems that you succeeded where others failed so far... A basterd-sucking black hole !! There's not much more in the pack, but this effect alone is quite worth the download - and changes the power balance, for the good... >Lupex
An unnecessary modification to Zero Tolerance where not really anything is changed very much to begin with.x

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