Title: Awesome Weapons of Doom
Filename: combos/weapons.zip
Size: 851.75 KB
Date: 05/04/96
Author: Ty Conner
Description: 1. FISTS or POWERLOADER Powerloader is a type of fork lift in ALIENS

2. PISTOL Sligtly modified pistol with laser eye & vents. Just Imagine the look on the baddies faces! :)

3. Simi-Automatic Shotgun Modified machine gun w/ clips!!!

4. M-41 A Pulse Rifle - Rifle Standard Military Issue Weapon

5. M-41 A Pulse Rifle - Underslung Grenade Launcher Yes, This weapon also had a grenade launcher too!!

6. M-56 Smart Gun Heavy Duty Military Issue Weapon For Specialy trained Marines

7. Flame Thrower This is last and best weapon Use it for those special moments!
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Pretty much the weapons from the Aliens TC made2 years earlier but with a new pistol. As such, it is not anything new but good for nostalgia if the first mod you ever played was the Aliens TC.x
Nice weapons. Great gameplay.x
old, but still sweet. x

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