Title: RL-PL-BFG-Upgrade
Filename: combos/wupgrade.zip
Size: 56.75 KB
Date: 09/25/06
Author: Karate Chris
Description: An upgrade of the current Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle and BFG9000. The weapons are much improved.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Hours
Editor(s) used: XWE
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)
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This is 1998 level shit.x
It comes in handy when you don't want to modify all the weapons. The RL is a lot stronger and faster! Beware the Cyberdemon. Plasma Rifle's DEFINITELY the weapon of choice in hectic situations. The BFG doesn't seem that changed at all. I used this WAD with 1killtng.wadx
Meh. The new graphics were kind of cool like the blue rocket explosions. However I would make them a brighter shade of blue. Also there isn't really a need to make the weapons more powerful, this is fine as a little graphics replacement. *** - IPFx
If it ain't broke don't fix it. x
It seems to be some minor color changes to the 3 weapons along with making them more powerful. The Plasma Gun is pretty fun to use for obliterating some of the minor enemies with one shot, but I didn't notice much difference in gameplay with the other two. - vvvCONTINUED BELOWvvvx

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