Title: King of the Hill
Filename: deathmatch/skulltag/kingoth.zip
Size: 7.93 MB
Date: 06/25/07
Author: Edward850
Description: King of the hill is a 10 map wad using a custom made game mode made by ACS (for skulltag) The objective is to gain the hill and hold it for as long as you can.
Credits: Nightmare93 - map03 John Pinkertin - map04 ARCADA - map07 Forty-Two - map08 kuchikitaichou - map10 lizardcommando: Annoncer Theshooter7: ACS help
Base: Modified
Build time: 6 months
Editor(s) used: Doombuilde, slade, XWE, slumped
Bugs: This may lag some servers because of its ACS
Rating: (6 votes)
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Awsome gametype but terrable maps. x
it's an interesting concept, but i did not like how most of the maps looked. 2/5x
Interesting concept, very ugly maps. Please work on the maps and release an update for this.x

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