Title: The Volcano Facility
Filename: deathmatch/skulltag/volcanof.zip
Size: 120.71 KB
Date: 04/23/05
Author: Eternal Dreams
Description: The Volcano Facility is a wad that takes place inside (and outside) a factory/base nestled inside a volcano, as the name suggests. It's made for all modes of Skulltag except for CTF.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A little over a month
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, THE BEST FREAKING EDITOR EVER
Rating: (8 votes)
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That lava flooded floor made me shit my pants. The level itself looks decent, but now the most awful concept is falling in lava pits (without the level that made me pee.) 3 stars.x
That lava flooded floor made me oui my pants. The level itself looks decent, but now the most wowing (sans the level that made me wee.) 3 stars.x
This thing is overrated as hell. But I like the concept of it and the lava areas are pretty nice so you get a 3.x
Pretty good. 5x
A damn good DM level. But why the hell is is the file so large? O_o;x

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